booking Policy:

Because your appointment is set aside specifically for you, and because each appointment represents a sizeable portion of a workday, you will be charged the full fee upon booking

rapid transformational therapy® (RTT®)

Initial 30 min Discovery Call via Zoom - Free

*90 - 120 minute RTT® session - $395/session

Heartmath® coaching/training

Initial 30 min Discovery Call via Zoom - Free

*1:1 Four - 90 min HeartMath® Mentoring package - $1580

Includes Inner Balance Coherence Plus Sensor + App ($360 value)

Additional Mentoring - $195/Hour

Thrive - RTT® + Heartmath® Coaching package

*1 RTT® session + 4 - 90 min HeartMath® Mentoring package - $1975

Includes Inner Balance Coherence Plus Sensor + App ($360 value)

Additional Mentoring - $195/Hour

*Sessions can be experienced in person or online over Zoom

Somatic Bodywork Rates:

60 Minutes - $140

90 Minutes - $200


Vibration/Sound Therapy Rates:

60 minutes - $140

90 Minutes - $200